1. Tesco Groceries
2. Ocado
3. Waitrose
4. Jamies 20 Minute Meals
5. iBBQ
6. Nigella Quick Collection
7. Good Food Quick Recipes
8. Gordon Ramsey Cook With Me
9. Levi Roots - Sunshine Food
10. MasterChef Academy UK
Jamie's 20 Minute Meals offers a mix of video and recipes and has been described by the Observer as 'the Daddy of all food apps', but iBBQ by itself is worth getting an iphone for.
We don't mind if the Cradle of Filth are the face of Suffolk instead of a beach hut or a racehorse, as long as he grows his own veg.
Ricochet tv company are looking for young people to take part in a new BBC2 tv series and train in the food and wine industry. Unfortunately I'm too old for this but there are some vague details here, so if you have always wanted to be a celebrity waitress - now's your chance.
Looks like they have chosen someone else to represent 'outspoken food blogger' on the Market Kitchen tv programme I was asked if I was interested in doing. They are focusing on Suffolk with the Chilli Farm Palmers Bakeryand Stark Naked's pesto so I am not going to get to taste any of those with hunky Celebrity Chef Michael Caines. If I had had a chance to look at his picture first I might have been more enthusiastic about the dawn trip to London to start filming at 8am. Shit.
Whoops - nearly forgot to mention it. Here is hunky James, the 'Face of British Food Fortnight' on the poster in case you want to print off your own copy.
Emmetts of Peasenhall (www.emmettsham.co.uk) Pinneys of Orford (www.butleyorfordoysterage.co.uk) and Suffolk Food Hall (www.suffolkfoodhall.co.uk) were all in the Independent's 50 best food shops on Saturday.
As usual the WI Country Market showing us how to make the best sausage rolls, almond slices and oat biscuits, but piece de resistance this year is Tim Mathews (remember last years Masterchef?) on his own stall - The Artisan Smokehouse www.artisansmokehouse.co.uk. Selling smoked olive oil, smoked sirloin steak, garlic and so many other other yummy delicacies that we wanted to taste the lot.
...a fruit clock! Found this in a fab cheap London variety store and just had to buy it for my kitchen. It's about twenty two orange to pear as I write this.
Looks like they have chosen someone else to represent 'outspoken food blogger' on the Market Kitchen tv programme I was asked if I was interested in doing. They are focusing on Suffolk with the Chilli Farm Palmers Bakeryand Stark Naked's pesto so I am not going to get to taste any of those with hunky Celebrity Chef Michael Caines. If I had had a chance to look at his picture first I might have been more enthusiastic about the dawn trip to London to start filming at 8am.